Environment variables

You can use environment variables to control some configuration.


Origin for the Inngest API. Your app registers itself with this API.

  • Defaults to https://api.inngest.com/.
  • Can be overwritten by specifying api_base_url when calling a serve function.

You likely won't need to set this.


Set to 1 to disable production mode.


Use this to tell Inngest which branch environment you want to send and receive events from.

Can be overwritten by manually specifying env on the Inngest client.

This is detected and set automatically for some platforms, but others will need manual action. See our configuring branch environments guide to check if you need this.


Origin for the Inngest Event API. The Inngest client sends events to this API.

  • Defaults to https://inn.gs/.
  • If set, it should be an origin (protocol, host, and optional port). For example, http://localhost:8288 or https://my.tunnel.com are both valid.
  • Can be overwritten by specifying base_url when creating the Inngest client.

You likely won't need to set this. But some use cases include:

  • Forcing a production build of your app to use the Inngest Dev Server instead of Inngest Cloud for local integration testing. You might want http://localhost:8288 for that.
  • Using the Dev Server within a Docker container. You might want http://host.docker.internal:8288 for that.


The secret key used to send events to Inngest.

  • Can be overwritten by specifying event_key when creating the Inngest client.
  • Not needed when using the Dev Server.


The secret key used to sign requests to and from Inngest, mitigating the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Can be overwritten by specifying signing_key when calling a serve function.
  • Not needed when using the Dev Server.